I believe in the power of design to spark positive change. As a human-centered Participatory Researcher and Community Strategist, I work with individuals and communities to co-create solutions that are both sustainable and meaningful. I use a human-centered approach to bridge cultural gaps, foster collaboration, and empower individuals to shape their own futures, ensuring that each level of the system enjoys the benefits of thoughtful designs.
This portfolio showcases my Human-Centered Design projects, developed through participatory research and ethical, sustainable strategies.
Opitas del Futuro
(The Future Women of Huila, Colombia)
Project Management, Community Engagement & Social Impact
Mujeres Berracas
(Resilient Colombian Women)
Design Research & Data Analysis
Nosotras Tejemos, Nosotras Diseñamos
(We Weave, We Design)
Project Management, Education Design & Social Impact
Human Instinks
Sensory methods of group connection
Corporate Consulting, Design Research & Strategy
Emotional Eating UX
Raising Awareness about How Emotions Affect Eating Behaviors
Research, Strategy & UX Design
Senior Capstone Projects
Design Strategy for Industry Clients like L'oreal and UNICEF
Project Management, Facilitation & Teaching
Fragmented Wisdom
MFA Transdisciplinary Design Thesis: Poignant Design Approaches to Aging & Connection
Research & Strategy for Cultural Change